Posts in Linux

Fedora 21 Released Best Ever Fedora Yet

Fedora Project announced release of Fedora 21 , Yesterday according to fedora project blog post this is going to be a game changer . fedora 21 comes with 3 flavors for your desktop/laptopā€¦

Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn Released

As scheduled , Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn is released and now available to download via official ubuntu website . Nothing notable is in this release, except better support for containers ( lxc andā€¦

Linux Mint 16 ( Petra ) released [ news ]

Today Linux mint team released its Linux Mint 16 codename (Petra ) after 6 month of development , with many new improvements and features . Whatā€™s New : along with all of new feature i like the mostā€¦

Fedora 19 is released [ available for download ]

ā€œThe Fedora Development team Ā announced the release of Fedora 19 ā€˜Schrƶdingerā€™s Catā€™ There are many new features in fedora 19 some of them are developerā€™s assistant Ā samples and toolchains for aā€¦

Debian 7.0 Wheezy released [ new release ]

Debian development team released Debian 7.0 code name wheezy today , with many new updated software and many performance boost . now its using Linux kernel 3.2 and X.Org 7.7 img credit : softpediaā€¦

how to kill process in linux ( unix ) like systems

you can kill processes running in your unix box by just simply using ā€œKILLā€ and killall methods some of these listed below. First Find process id then use command and provide process id to killā€¦

Ubuntu 13.04 Beta 1

The new version of Ubuntu is in beta stage now and ready for the testers to download and test it.Ubuntu 13.04 or the Raring Ringtail is the latest version of Ubuntu OS for desktop PCs and beta testersā€¦

Develop For Ubuntu Touch

With the recent announcement of Ubuntu Phone at the CES 2013 every developer is excited to develop for this new platform but where to start fromā€¦.well Ubuntu has also introduced a Get Started Tutorialā€¦

Bits and Bytes of Computer

We all use computer and came across terms like bits,bytes,KB,MB,GB in terms of storageā€¦..what are these and where do they come from?? Starting from the Number Forms : Binary Form (only 2 digits) ā€” 0,ā€¦

Fedora 18 spherical cow is released

Redhat community managed linux distribution fedora 18 is released , Fedora 18 has some advance features such as dual booting support with windows 8 , and GUI menu and cloud based features , Fedora 1ā€¦

getting started with tasksel

Tasksel is small and useful Debian utility that install many common useful packages and dependencies . then simple open as administrator and you can install whatever it support , like LAMP server etcā€¦

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