If you use ssh a lot and do login daily in many servers or virtual machines , with different usernames and different passwords , then let me show you easy way of doing that using ssh configuration file so you dont have to remember all the different IP addresses and username etc . we are going to modify ~/.ssh/config
file to setup some per user based configuration .

Simple Config
edit ~/.ssh/config
file and add Host
entry like displayed below , you can setup various options , like Hostname
, Port
and User
etc .
if ~/.ssh/config
doesnt not exist , then you can create it using touch
touch ~/.ssh/config
Now edit ~/.ssh/config
Host database
HostName db.example.com
Port 2222
User alok
after this simple configuration you can connect to database server by just typing ssh database
There are many options you can configure in your config
file for example if you use different key pairs for different hosts then you can pass IdentityFile
option to use that specific key.
Host database
HostName db.example.com
Port 2222
User alok
Host bitbucket.com
IdentityFile /home/myname/.ssh/private-identity
Hostname bitbucket.com
User alok
Host github.com
Hostname github.com
IdentityFile /home/myname/.ssh/public-identity
If host is behind firewall or proxy or gateway and most of the ports are blocked then you can create ssh tunnel and forward you traffic through that tunnel . for example you can forward local 3305
port to of localhos
to remote 3306
port to access mysql .
creating tunnel , manual way
ssh -f -N -L 3305: [email protected]
or you can tweak you config
file to create local tunnels easily
Host dbtunnel
HostName database.example.com
LocalForward 3305
User alok
Now you can create tunnel simply by typing .
ssh -f -N dbtunnel
there and many options you can pass like you can set cipher
type and X11
forward like options in config
file you can see full list of options here , http://linux.die.net/man/5/ssh_config .
Use man ssh
to see other ssh related manual pages .
Host database
HostName host.example.com
Port 2222
User alok
ServerAliveInterval 120
LogLevel FATAL
SSH Documentation : http://linux.die.net/man/5/ssh_config