How to scan whole network quickly
In this tutorial, I will show you how to quickly scan your entire network using “masscan.” Masscan is a small, lightweight TCP port scanner written by Robert David Graham. Masscan sends SYN packets…
In this tutorial, I will show you how to quickly scan your entire network using “masscan.” Masscan is a small, lightweight TCP port scanner written by Robert David Graham. Masscan sends SYN packets…
Kali Linux is Debian based well-known penetration testing distribution , loaded with tons of most popular tools for penetration testing and digital forensics . Today kali linux development team…
New Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Mac OSX yosemite Discovered by sektioneins reseasrchers , that allow an attacker to gain full root privileges . Security researcher Stefan Esser posted…
Security Researchers at CrowdStrike Discovered vulnerability in virtual floppy drive used by many virtualization platform like KVM and QEMU . flaw is presented since first ever code implemented for…
According to researchers post , the vulnerability exists in Microsoft Windows Kernel, in the Win32k.sys module , with local access an attacker can exploit this privilege acceleration vulnerability to…
Recently critical security vulnerability has been discovered in glibc library , CVE ID: CVE-2015-0235 , according redhat security advisory ” gethostbyname function can be exploited by using crafted…
Scanning a hosts most of the time multiple hosts for open ports and services discovery is one of first thing most of the penetration testers do , so in this post I am going to show you how to use…
If you don’t know , Shellshock (CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-7169, CVE-2014-7186, CVE-2014-7187, CVE-2014-6277, CVE-2014-6278 ) is is a vulnerability in GNU’s bash shell that gives attackers access to run…
How to protect mac from Shell Shock CVE-2014-7169 CVE-2014-6271 , Well you have to download and build bash using xcodebuild while apple is working ( I don’t why they are taking so long to release fix…
As you might know about “heartbeat ” ( CVE-2014-0160) bug of openssl is discovered by security researchers . The vulnerability occurs in what is known as the heartbeat extension to this protocol, and…
Kaspersky Researchers discovered and announced that they discovered most advance malware till date , after flame . according to PUTNA CANA A group of high-level , nation-state attackers has been…
Viber provide free-calling and messaging app for users its just like another messaging app available in the market , today SEA ( SyrianElectronicArmy ) hacked the viber support website. they tweeted…
hackers targeted apple developers site , according to report of : A Turkish security researcher, Ibrahim Balic, claims that he was behind the “hack” but insisted that his intention was…
Ubuntu forum was hacked , and 1.8 million password was stolen according  to announcements by ubuntu forum . according to reports hackers breached security because the ubuntu forum was using outdated…
Popular video messaging and chatting app tango was hacked by  Syrian Electronic Army and 1.5 TB data , including email , contacts etc.  Syrian Electronic Army  posted on twitter  about the hack…
Truecaller , internet based phone directory , that provide service to search any contact with phone no. according to BGR report its main database server was hacked by serian hackers , and now they…
As a precaution to protect your data, we have decided to implement a password reset. Please read below for details and instructions. In our security investigation, we have found no evidence that any…
Facebook Posted a notes on Saturday 16 Feb that they discovered  that many engineers laptop was hacked using java-zero-day exploit . it happens when that engineers  visited infected  mobile developer…
okay , so you have installed backtrack on vmware workstation successfully , now install vmware tools to get most of backtrack virtual machine , okay so lets see install vmware tools in backtrack…