Upgrade From SPDY To HTTP2
If you are using nginx as your main web server with SPDY protocol , Then its time to upgrade to HTTP2 ( not fully but partially without Server Push feature…
If you are using nginx as your main web server with SPDY protocol , Then its time to upgrade to HTTP2 ( not fully but partially without Server Push feature…
Nginx is well-known, tiny and fast web server , Nginx is an open source reverse proxy server for HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols, as well as a load…
In this tutorial , I am going to show you how to setup Nginx,HHVM,MySQL stack in Ubuntu Trusty , Nginx is light weight , open-source, high-performance HTTP…
LoadBalancer Loadbancing is a technique of load distribution , means load balancer distribute all incoming traffic to all available upstream servers . Nginx is…
In nginx you can rewrite the incoming request for naked domain  ” example.com ” to  ” www.example.com ” just by using few lines . it’s so simple ,I will show…