Debian 8 Jessie released available for download
Whats new Linux 3.16.7-ctk9 Apache 2.4.10 Asterisk 11.13.1 GIMP 2.8.14 GNOME desktop environment 3.14 GNU Compiler Collection 4.9.2 KDE Plasma Workspaces and…
Whats new Linux 3.16.7-ctk9 Apache 2.4.10 Asterisk 11.13.1 GIMP 2.8.14 GNOME desktop environment 3.14 GNU Compiler Collection 4.9.2 KDE Plasma Workspaces and…
Debian development team released Debian 7.0 code name wheezy today , with many new updated software and many performance boost . now its using Linux kernel 3.…