DropBox on Windows Phone and Tablets
For all the Windows Phone users and Windows Tablet users who were waiting eagerly for an official app of DropBox in their devices, the wait is over and finally the app is available in the Windows…
For all the Windows Phone users and Windows Tablet users who were waiting eagerly for an official app of DropBox in their devices, the wait is over and finally the app is available in the Windows…
Today at Microsoft Build Conference, Microsoft announced the new update coming to Windows Phone devices named Windows Phone 8.1 but does the update has the features which will lure other smartphone…
The versatile player which plays almost anything is now available in mobile devices running Android or iOS. After a long wait the player is now available in smartphones which means now you don’t have…
Good new for developers who want to develop apps for ubuntu touch , if you don’t know about ubuntu touch , well its Ubuntu Platform for smart phone and tablets . Ubuntu touch is available for…
Google announced yesterday about upcoming android code-name . after jellybean android 4.4 get code-name “kitakat” . its sound tasty Android 4.4, KitKat It’s our goal with Android KitKat to make an…
After servers and cloud now canonicals diving in smartphone market . Canonical announced ubuntu edge smart phone , and company aiming to $32 billion crowdfund in just 31 days  to build that smart…
New Android Flow founded by a security firm  bluebox , That flaw allow attacker to get access in 99% android devices . and can be used for anything like sending spam messages stealing personal…
Microsoft Office for iOS devices is here as it quietly launches in various markets for iPhone and iPads and maybe for the iPods too.Its not available in the App store and maybe we will get the updates…
Blackberry maker RIM announced that no sooner we will be having BBM on Android and iOS devices than only on Blackberry. BBM or the Blackberry Messenger which has been a trademark for blackberry will…
After turning on the two-step verification feature on your Microsoft account you can pair an authenticator app on your smartphone with your account which will provide you with random generated codes…