Posts in Mac
Upgraded to latest MacOSX 10.11 EI Capitan , Then you Might Know about OSX’s new System Integrity Protection ( SIP ) feature , Now you or any app can’t modify the /System or /usr or any other system…
Juju Quick introduction Juju is a open source, solution-driven orchestration tool from Ubuntu , juju help to model and deploy, maintain and scale various services to cloud or bare metal servers easily…
Steps ssh into mac enable screen sharing using ( for all users ) 3 . If you are on ubuntu then open connect using protocol * vnc virtual network computing * fill and set to save and connect…
Today , I am going to show you how to Install and setup PostgreSQL on Ubuntu/Dabian , and In future Post I will show you how you can use PostgreSQL with Ruby On Rails App . First Introduction and then…
Dnsmasq is small lightweight DNS server for small network such as home and and small office . Its lightweight and leaves small footprint . overall its great dns tool for local and small network. It…
This is second tutorial of LAMP installation series  , In this guide I will show you how to setup PHP with Apache2 , You can see first part here where I described How to install Apache web server…
Xdebug is awesome debugging tool for php developers , if you ever developed  in php and never used debug then you must give try . its a php extension that will help you a lot . Setup just check if…
This guide is part of tutorials series related to full development environment setup , previously I posted about how to enable Apache and PHP in Mac OS X : See here . For MacOSX 10.9 Users : http…
Upgraded to Yosemite , great . now lets see how to setup Apache webserver with PHP and MySQL . unlike 10.7 Lion or 10.6 there is no prefrence pane option to turn on Apache . but don’t worry MacOSX…
Xiki is awesome new shell from Craig Muth , xiki has some features that going to change the way we think about shell , its has some exciting and new features like built-in file browser in shell and…
Okay, Lets See how to create bootable USB of Yosemite ( OS X 10.10 ) . Requirements Working MacOS Operating System OSX Yosemite DP1 Application ( Require Developers account to download ) 8+ GB of USB…
In this tutorial I will show you how to install django web framework on MacOSX with virtualenv wrapper . for those who don’t know what is django is , well django is web framework based on MVC…
If you are looking for open source alternative of Matlab then try gnu octave . according to octave official site : GNU Octave is a high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical…
As a php developer , most of the when u get an error and want to know little deep info and want to debug exact problem then xdebug extension comes handy . in this guide i will show you how to install…
Introduction QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer. When used as a machine emulator, QEMU can run OSes and programs made for one machine (e.g. an ARM board) on a different…
In this tutorial i will guide you through the steps for installing ruby and rails gem on your freshly installed MacOS X mavericks 10.9 . in this tutorial i will use RVM ( ruby version manager ) to…
There are many tools available for downloading video from sites like youtube and metacafe etc. but small command line downloading tool fulfil most of the requirements . It requires Python interpreter…
Installing command line tools in OSX 10.9 Mavericks changes slightly than previous versions of MAC OSX , Now You Dont Have to install XCODE , you can install Command Line Tools stand alone , Just…
Metasploit is well know penetration tool , for me its one of my all time favorite tools for penetration testing . In this tutorial i will show you, how to install Metasploit Framework in MacOSX 10.8.…
We all use computer and came across terms like bits,bytes,KB,MB,GB in terms of storage…..what are these and where do they come from?? Starting from the Number Forms : Binary Form (only 2 digits) — 0,…
now mac users can easily access and sync files right from their desktop using this client app ubuntu one client previously available on Windows , iOS, Android and Ubuntu now Mac beta complete the…
$killall Finder
git bash completion mac and git brach listing in terminal Demonstrated under mac terminal and login shell enabled this will also install  git bash completion git bash completion mac will work with…