Posts in Internet
Gnome development team today posted on blog about new GNOME 3.13.3 , From the blog and post and some screenshots we can its a improved and polished , There are many new features are added in gnome…
Google is now testing domain registration service called google domain which is located at . currently its available on invitation only . very soon google will make that…
Yes, Right Download and store your data somewhere else from ubuntu one . Ubuntu one is cloud based storage service that is about shut down very soon. And Yes this is not a joke or April fool…
If you ever used ghost blog platform , then you must be familiar with its dashboard its simple powerful clean and its loaded with markdown editor with live preview pane ,well good news for those who…
Now facebook allow embedding post to websites and blog , like twitter and youtube . for embed any of your or public post you have to just copy and paste embedding code  . let me show you how .. The…
Viber provide free-calling and messaging app for users its just like another messaging app available in the market , today SEA ( SyrianElectronicArmy ) hacked the viber support website. they tweeted…
hackers targeted apple developers site , according to report of : A Turkish security researcher, Ibrahim Balic, claims that he was behind the “hack” but insisted that his intention was…
Ubuntu forum was hacked , and 1.8 million password was stolen according  to announcements by ubuntu forum . according to reports hackers breached security because the ubuntu forum was using outdated…
Popular video messaging and chatting app tango was hacked by  Syrian Electronic Army and 1.5 TB data , including email , contacts etc.  Syrian Electronic Army  posted on twitter  about the hack…
Truecaller , internet based phone directory , that provide service to search any contact with phone no. according to BGR report its main database server was hacked by serian hackers , and now they…
Microsoft has joined Google,Apple and Dropbox in two-factor authentication for its Windows Live users and those who were concerned about security can now be relaxed with their Live IDs or…
We already know that Chrome OS notification center is getting Google Now integration, and now the Chrome browser on desktops may also get it after it was discovered in Chromium’s code. Now it’s…
Google Reader provides a common place where we read the feeds of our favourite blogs that we follow whether its a blog of companies,celebrities or about music we can all have it in one place,no need…
We all love Dropbox and now we have Mailbox with it.Like Dropbox keeps your files and documents you want with you anywhere and everywhere as your companion similarly Mailbox redesigns the mailing…
As a precaution to protect your data, we have decided to implement a password reset. Please read below for details and instructions. In our security investigation, we have found no evidence that any…
IE 10 for windows 7
Today canonical reviled ubuntu for tablets , it will support many screen sizes 6″-20″ as canonical wanted to cover all screen sizes from desktop to smartphone and tables , ubuntu for tablets OS will…
Facebook Posted a notes on Saturday 16 Feb that they discovered  that many engineers laptop was hacked using java-zero-day exploit . it happens when that engineers  visited infected  mobile developer…
The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard , documentary movie based on is now available to download , you can download it from here movie is also…
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced Graph Search at a press event at Menlo Park headquarters, billing it as a new way find people, photos, places and interests that are most relevant to Facebook…
What do we mean by a video call? for those who have never made a video call and don’t know how to do it… calling is like video chat like we chat over different messengers similarly we can video…