Copying PostgreSQL Databases Schema and Data
When working with PostgreSQL, you’ll often need to copy databases. Whether it’s for backups, setting up development environments, or migrating between servers, understanding how to efficiently copy…
When working with PostgreSQL, you’ll often need to copy databases. Whether it’s for backups, setting up development environments, or migrating between servers, understanding how to efficiently copy…
In this post I’ll show you how to package simple react app , created with create-react-app in this case , as docker image, using alpine linux and intermediate docker image to keep the docker image…
Memcached is an in-memory key-value store for small chunks of arbitrary data (strings, objects) from results of database calls, API calls, or page rendering. Free & open source, high-performance…
Setup Now Install After Install You can use to setup virtual environment then activate the virtual environment Before using virtualenv freeze pip and pipe that to requirements.txt file then after…
Ubuntu repositories doesn’t contains latest golang builds and I was unable to find any good PPA with latest golang So I’m Writing this Quick tutorial about how to install , latest go language compiler…
Today , I am going to show you how to Install and setup PostgreSQL on Ubuntu/Dabian , and In future Post I will show you how you can use PostgreSQL with Ruby On Rails App . First Introduction and then…
Lets see how to install Ruby On Rails On Linux mint and completely setting up development environment from editor to databases . for newbies ruby on rails is web framework written in Ruby language…
when it comes to VCS ( version control system ) or SCM ( Source Code Management ) almost every good developer know and use either SVN , mercurial or people’s favorite Git . In this post I am going to…
This is third part of this series , where I am going to show you setup of MySQL database , First I will show you how you can setup and install MySQL using official UBUNTU repositories . second I will…
Xdebug is awesome debugging tool for php developers , if you ever developed  in php and never used debug then you must give try . its a php extension that will help you a lot . Setup just check if…
This guide is part of tutorials series related to full development environment setup , previously I posted about how to enable Apache and PHP in Mac OS X : See here . For MacOSX 10.9 Users : http…
Upgraded to Yosemite , great . now lets see how to setup Apache webserver with PHP and MySQL . unlike 10.7 Lion or 10.6 there is no prefrence pane option to turn on Apache . but don’t worry MacOSX…
Atom is text editor from Github its currently in beta . you can build atom for ubuntu by just following steps . Please Note that its only support 64bit ARCH if you are running 32 System then it might…
In this tutorial I am going to show you , How you can Install Ruby via two different methods First by using source and Second Via RVM . why we are using these two methods : Simple we want to install…
In this tutorial I will show you how to install django web framework on MacOSX with virtualenv wrapper . for those who don’t know what is django is , well django is web framework based on MVC…
As a php developer , most of the when u get an error and want to know little deep info and want to debug exact problem then xdebug extension comes handy . in this guide i will show you how to install…
In this tutorial i will guide you through the installation of PHP and MySQL in windows , and additionally how to setup PHP framework laravel and Composer with git . php5.4 and later versions have…
In this tutorial i will guide you through the steps for installing ruby and rails gem on your freshly installed MacOS X mavericks 10.9 . in this tutorial i will use RVM ( ruby version manager ) to…
Ruby is awesome , for getting up running with latest ruby development environment is not that easy, well RVM ( ruby version manager ) comes handy for getting latest ruby . rvm is awesome but when you…
Installing command line tools in OSX 10.9 Mavericks changes slightly than previous versions of MAC OSX , Now You Dont Have to install XCODE , you can install Command Line Tools stand alone , Just…
after installing fresh Installation , if you are getting this nasty ExjecJS::RuntimeError then it feels annoying . Problem and when you look at console it looks like this sudo add-apt-repository ppa…
In this tutorial I’ll show you how to install ruby on rails on windows .just follow these steps , to get up and running rails on windows . Steps   gem update —system gem install mysql –platform…
getting started with python development , and you want to use your favorite IDE eclipse , there is a plugin available for eclipse name pydev download links python           :…