how to solve ExjecJS::RuntimeError in ruby on rails
1 min read
after installing fresh Installation , if you are getting this nasty ExjecJS::RuntimeError then it feels annoying .
and when you look at console it looks like this
after taking a closer look anyone can identify its JavaScript run-time problem , easy and best way to fix it is
download and install node.js , it run on top of V8 ( secret behind chrome’s lightening speed JavaScript engine )
make sure node is accessible from Command Prompt
to check open CMD and type `node -v`
if it’s not accessible then add it to your
then navigate to your rails app directory and start rails server browse to default index.html page
to check open CMD and type `node -v`
if it’s not accessible then add it to your
then navigate to your rails app directory and start rails server browse to default index.html page
<a href=""><img class=" aligncenter" src="" alt="" border="0" /></a>
you will java script runtime is node.js V8<br /> fix in ubuntu
<pre>sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
or you can try some alternate methods :
<a href="httpss://" data-bitly-type="bitly_hover_card">therubyracer</a> – Google V8 embedded within Ruby
<a href="httpss://" data-bitly-type="bitly_hover_card">therubyrhino</a> – Mozilla Rhino embedded within JRuby
<a href="" data-bitly-type="bitly_hover_card">Node.js</a>
Apple JavaScriptCore – Included with Mac OS X
<a href="" data-bitly-type="bitly_hover_card">Microsoft Windows Script Host</a> (JScript)
<img class=" aligncenter" src="" alt="" border="0" />
I hope that it helps you to fix your JS and ruby on rails problem ,if it was helpful then please share this