fixed kext to get working almost everything in core2duo hackintosh
I am posting this because many people requested to send me kext that , I use in my hackintosh to get all things working .
My system details :
**MotherBoard : **Assus P5G41T-M LX
Processor 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory 6 GB 1066 MHz DDR3
Graphics ATI Radeon HD 5450 1024 MB
OS : Mountain lion 10.8.2
OS : Mountain lion 10.8.2
Download zip to get all kext fixed kexts
Included :
- audio ( voodoo hda fixed with working mic )
- ps2 mouse and keyboard
- graphics ati radeon hd 5450
- other misc . esata and other smc plugins
Note : sleep is not working properly