Setup Homebrew and RVM on Mac OSX 10.11 EI Capitan
Upgraded to latest MacOSX 10.11 EI Capitan , Then you Might Know about OSX’s new System Integrity Protection ( SIP ) feature , Now you or any app can’t modify the /System
or /usr
or any other system files even with root permissions. If you are facing problem while installing homebrew I am going to show you how to disable SIP temporarily to install homebrew and other SIP related configuration .
Requirements {#cmdlinetools}
Install Command Line tools and Xcode ( Xcode optional not necessary )
to install Command Lines Tools open terminal and type this command
xcode-select --install
and choose install.
Disable SIP {#disable_sip}
boot into Recovery mode
press Command + R
In Recovery Mode Click On ‘ Utilities > Terminal ‘

csrutil enable --without fs

then reboot back to normal to EI Capitan then type
sudo mkdir /usr/local
sudo chown -R $(whoami):admin /usr/local
then Install Homebrew , open terminal and paste this line of code Source
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
After installation and reboot again to recovery mode this time enable all SIP , with
csrutil enable
Now reboot back to normal to EI Capitan , then run brew doctor
make sure everything is working correctly .
run brew
brew doctor
Installing RVM {#installrvm}
RVM is well-known tool for managing different versions of ruby and gemsets , its great tool for installing and manage ruby without sudo permission ( unless you use rvmsudo ) .
installing RVM is straight forward just copy and paste code from and copy and paste code from website
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable
after installation just restart your terminal and type type rvm | head -n 1
if it prints rvm is a function
then everything is fine.
then you can install ruby easily just by typing
rvm install ruby-head
then just wait it will install the required dependencies etc .
Useful Links :
- homebrew github :
- homebrew official instructions :
- rvm homepage :