How to setup juju manual environment

2 min read

Juju Quick introduction

Juju is a open source, solution-driven orchestration tool from Ubuntu , juju help to model and deploy, maintain and scale various services to cloud or bare metal servers easily , using command line or graphical gui tool. you can use juju with ansible , puppet or chef .

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Demo environment

1 . Juju host : if you are on ubuntu then its fine you can use localhost as your juju host , or if you are on mac , then use a new fresh vm as ubuntu host
2 . three virtual box fresh installed ubuntu

Installing Juju

In Ubuntu :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install juju-core

In Mac : use homebrew to install juju

brew install juju

Setting up juju manual environment

lets generate config and switch to local environment

juju generate-config
juju switch manual

now config file is generated under ~/.juju/ directory with name environments.yaml , this only configuration file that we are going to edit to configure our manual environment .

let’s bootstrap then environment

juju bootstrap

Screen Shot 2015-08-07 at 6.33.52 pm
Screen Shot 2015-08-07 at 6.33.52 pm


after successful bootstrap , you can run juju status to see juju status , notice agent-state: started line , it means juju is connected to stated and installed all the necessary packages and started the agent daemon successfully.

$ juju status

environment: manual
agent-state: started
agent-version: 1.24.3
instance-id: 'manual:'
series: trusty
hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=475M
state-server-member-status: has-vote
services: {}

Adding Machines

You can add machines by just using this juju add-machine then ssh followed by username and IP address of machine . if you don’t provide username it will use your current username , or whatever you specified in environment.yaml configuration file to use as default username .

Format :

juju add-machine ssh:[user@]<host>

adding machine

juju add-machine ssh:[email protected]

// Ensure all machines must be able to connect back to host and vice-versa

Installing GUI

after successfully adding new machine let’s deploy juju gui charms to machine one . then I will show you how to add machines using nice gui

// You can pass any deployment related to juju without waiting to finish first command .

juju deploy juju-gui --to 1
juju expose juju-gui

notice --to 1 argument , its tells juju to deploy this charm to specifically on machine 1 , you can see all machine list using , juju status .
you can access juju-gui by opening browser and point it to ip of machine 1 , and you can see password by looking at ~/.juju/environments/manual.jenv file

cat ~/.juju/environments/manual.jenv  | grep "password"

to see password , login using that password , default username is admin

Juju Gui
Juju Gui

You can checkout demo juju-gui interface , here :
Now juju gui is deployed and ready to use , now you can use juju-gui to deploy services , in next post about juju I will show you how to deploy some other services in juju .

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