Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet Is Released Available for download

As Scheduled Today canonical released Ubuntu 15.04 code-name Vivid Vervet , Now its available for download or upgrade . Some application is now polished , unity is updated but overall It’s just polished version , It’s a Non-LTS version so it will get support for next 9 months only ( until next release ) .
What’s new
- Linux kernel 3.19
- unity 7.3
- Compiz 0.97
- LibreOffice 4.4
- Ubuntu make ( previously Ubuntu developers tools center )
- Lxd ( Docker like containers )
One of the major change is that ” systemd ” has replaced Upstart as the standard boot and service manager , you can easily switch between upstart and systemd from the boot menu .
Permanent Switch back to upstart ( use with caution )
Install the upstart-sysv package. This will remove ubuntu-standard and systemd-sysv (but should not remove anything else — if it does, yell!), and run sudo update-initramfs -u. After that, grub’s “Advanced options” menu will have a corresponding “Ubuntu, with Linux … (systemd)” entry where you can do an one-time boot with systemd.
How to Upgrade
upgrading process is straightforward , just follow these steps.
1 . Open Software & Updates
2 . From updated tab , make sure select ” notify me about new release ” to “For any new version”
3 . Check for update using update manager
4 . Choose upgrade

http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.04/ (Ubuntu Desktop, Server, and Snappy Core)
http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/15.04/release/ (Ubuntu Cloud Server)
useful links
HomePage : http://www.ubuntu.com
Official Release Notes : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseNotes
Systemd for upstart users : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers