How To Make Bootable USB of Windows 10 Technical Preview

2 min read

Quick tutorial about “How to make bootable usb of windows 10 Technical Preview ” , as we posted about few days ago about windows 10 technical preview , its available for download and if you already download that and want to install it in your pc or notebook or pc , then follow this tutorial to create bootable USB and yes its compatible with UEFI booting . and You don’t have to download any external software or etc .

Windows 10 Start menu
Windows 10 Start menu


  1. Windows 10 Technical Preview ISO
  2. USB Thumb Drive 8GB or more is good enough

Mount the ISO by double-click or right-click mount on ISO file . And Insert USB drive and follow these steps .

How To Make Bootable USB of Windows 10

1. Open CMD

click on start menu and search for cmd and choose command prompt .

open cmd
open cmd


2. Type diskpart


It will open diskpart utility please use this utility carefully because you one wrong step will lead you too data loss or full hard drive partition related issues .

3. Type : list disk

It will list all available disks . identify usb drive

list disk
list disk

4. select disk x

You can get the disk number by list disk command . Enter the disk number in place of X .

select disk 2
select disk 2

5. Type : clean

This command will clean all the existing partition table .


6. Type : create partition primary

This command will create a primary partition .

create partition primary
create partition primary

7. Type : active

This command will mark current partition as active partition

active current partition
active current partition

8. Type : format fs=fat32 quick

it will format current active partition with fat32 fs and it will use quick format because we passed quick parameter

format fs=fat32
format fs=fat32

9. Type: assign

This command will assign drive letter for USB drive .

10. exit

Exit from diskpart utility

Okay Now usb is prepared , lets copy all files from mounted ISO file to USB drive ,
please source ( mounted ISO ) and destination (USB drive ) drive letters carefully .

11. xcopy e:\*.* /s /e f g:\

xopy will dump all the files from :e to target USB drive :g:


about process will take some time , approx 15 Minutes ( depend on your system ) after that you can use that usb to boot

Quick summary of commands

# open command prompt

# choose disk
select disk X
create partition primary
format fs=fat32 quick
#exit disk part utility

## mount iso

xcopy X:*.* /s /e f Y:

# X is source drive , Y is destination drive

Hope it was useful, Thanks for reading

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