How To Make Bootable USB of Windows 10 Technical Preview
Quick tutorial about “How to make bootable usb of windows 10 Technical Preview ” , as we posted about few days ago about windows 10 technical preview , its available for download and if you already download that and want to install it in your pc or notebook or pc , then follow this tutorial to create bootable USB and yes its compatible with UEFI booting . and You don’t have to download any external software or etc .
- Windows 10 Technical Preview ISO
- USB Thumb Drive 8GB or more is good enough
Mount the ISO by double-click or right-click mount on ISO file . And Insert USB drive and follow these steps .
How To Make Bootable USB of Windows 10
1. Open CMD
click on start menu and search for cmd
and choose command prompt .
2. Type diskpart
It will open diskpart utility please use this utility carefully because you one wrong step will lead you too data loss or full hard drive partition related issues .
3. Type : list disk
It will list all available disks . identify usb drive
4. select disk x
You can get the disk number by list disk
command . Enter the disk number in place of X .
5. Type : clean
This command will clean all the existing partition table .
6. Type : create partition primary
This command will create a primary partition .
7. Type : active
This command will mark current partition as active partition
8. Type : format fs=fat32 quick
it will format current active partition with fat32
fs and it will use quick format because we passed quick
9. Type: assign
This command will assign drive letter for USB drive .
10. exit
Exit from diskpart utility
Okay Now usb is prepared , lets copy all files from mounted ISO file to USB drive ,
please source ( mounted ISO ) and destination (USB drive ) drive letters carefully .
11. xcopy e:\*.* /s /e f g:\
will dump all the files from :e
to target USB drive :g:
about process will take some time , approx 15 Minutes ( depend on your system ) after that you can use that usb to boot
Quick summary of commands
# open command prompt
# choose disk
select disk X
create partition primary
format fs=fat32 quick
#exit disk part utility
## mount iso
xcopy X:*.* /s /e f Y:
# X is source drive , Y is destination drive
Hope it was useful, Thanks for reading