how to create bootable USB disk of windows 7

1 min read

Quick tutorial of how to create bootable usb of windows 7 , All you need is a genuine copy of windows 7 and working windows system and a USB memory stick .


  • Copy of Windows ( ISO or DVD )
  • Minimum 4GB USB stick
  • Working windows system


1 . Mount Your ISO or Insert DVD
2 . Insert USB
3 . Open my computer and notedown DVD/ISO drive ( eg. d:)
4 . Now prepare USB ( USE DISKPART CAREFULLY if you have more than one hard drives )
5 . Open command prompt ( open run and type ” cmd ” )
6 . type diskpart and click yes on (UAC)

diskpart> list disk 

it will list all disk connected to pc , identify your USB drive by looking at size of drive

diskpart> select disk DISK_NUMBER

Enter your USB drive’s disk number accordingly

diskpart>  clean

it will clean all partitions in USB

diskpart> create partition primary

Create primary partition

diskpart> active 

this will activate that partition

diskpart> format fs=ntfs quick

format with ntfs or you can use fat32

diskpart> assign 

this will mount your USB and assign a drive letter

diskpart> exit

exit diskpart

7 . Open My Computer and notedown USB Drive Letter ( eg. g:)
8 . open cmd and and type

xcopy x:\*.* /s /e /f y:\

Where x: is DVD/ISO drive letter and y: is USB drive letter .
wait until is finished copying files , it will take some time depend on your system .


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