Windows 8 Developer Preview

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The upcoming version of windows from Microsoft has released a pre-beta version of windows 8 for the developers to understand its interface and platform so that they can build up apps(applications) or it.
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Windows 8 will be available not only for personal computers,desktops and laptops but also in tablets by which we may conclude then time has come to say bye-bye to mouse and keyboards and get used to gestures which all the touch screen devices understand.If you are already using tablets with android or ios platform or any other platform then you must be knowing that the tablets support multi-touch functionality and so do windows 8 which has a brand new start menu (goodbye to the old start menu) with metro-style apps which makes your pc or any other device look very much personal to you.The logon screen is too changed and it looks good when you wake up your pc from sleep mode.
Like Market in Android we will find App Store and Metro Apps here.

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As you can see the image on the right side which shows you how the start menu looks like with internet explorer 10 and where you can see the weather info,your stocks info,news feed you are subscribed at,few games and other settings of the computer and start menu and to mention not the social feed socialite( and tweet@rama which connects you to your facebook and twitter accounts giving you complete access to your social life on net in a new and exciting manner.The GUI (Metro UI) is impressive those using windows phone 7 will be quite used to such interface and is more exciting to use it on a tablet.
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Microsoft is getting into the cloud in a big way with Windows 8. If you log into Windows 8 using a Live account from Microsoft, Windows 8 will let you migrate settings to multiple computers using the same operating system. It will synchronize wallpapers, user settings, browser favorites, and some application data. In practice we got a laptop and a desktop synced up quite easily.
Most people don’t use the task manger for anything other than killing rogue programs. But it’s nice to see Microsoft looking after the power users. The new task manger now comes with an amazing array of data on how each program functions, giving detailed usage on CPU, memory, disk, and network usage in real time. There’s even a history tab, for the total stats behind any “modern” program, which we take to mean Metro UI-enabled.It’s also much easier to kill startup tasks and even determine what programs impact startup times the most.
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On multi-monitor setups, the task bar is considerably more useful. It migrates taskbar icons for windows to the monitor on which they are located.The multi-monitor friendliness doesn’t stop there; it lets you span wallpapers across two or more monitors. There’s still no support for desktop switching though.
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As you can see it in the images the interface of windows explorer has changed a little bit and seems familiar to office 2010 window (Ribbon UI).The menu bar above and more transparency over it.Users using windows 7 will not find much change rather than these two changes(new start menu and new window interface) and software updates like ie10 but these changes are big enough rather than a count.There doesn’t seem much difference in the developer preview unless you are building some metro-style apps to pin up at the start menu and support multi-touch functionality in your app as in tablets you will have onscreen keyboard like in mobile devices where you type in your text and it helps you in completing in what you write by giving you suggestions.Switching over open apps is like you swipe the screen and you see the different apps opened by you like you rotate a cube.We may conclude by saying that its time to enter touch generation and live in it.Seems better than the previous versions of windows like it seems the whole architecture of OS has been changed as the performance is impressive and loads or reboots quickly.
If you want to see it live in running then watch : ; or try it yourself by downloading it.The Developer Preview for different architectures is available for download here at :

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