Microsoft released patch for Internet explorer flaw (CVE-2012-4969 )

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On monday microsoft released a security advisory on flaw in internet Explorer and then microsoft released temporary fix with Emet and Fixit solution  , today(Friday) Microsoft security team released cumulative update for permanent solution for remote code execution vulnerability and described in detail about this flaw in technet blog post
In blog post Daniel Chipiristeanu described about this flaw

We have identified that this vulnerability is being used to infect computers by installing malware on them. The exploitation method has an intricate way of getting the payload on the affected machine. A diagram of the “infection chain” is depicted below:

The infection chain of CVE-2012-4969
As you can see, the infection starts when the specially crafted webpage (detected asExploit:Win32/CVE-2012-4969.C) is loaded into a vulnerable version of Internet Explorer. This webpage loads a malicious SWF (Adobe Shockwave Flash) file which we detect asExploit:SWF/ShellCode.G. This SWF file is encrypted using a commercial packer to evade detection, and will try to load another webpage, which checks if your computer is vulnerable to the exploit and exploit it. This second webpage is detected as Exploit:Win32/CVE-2012-4969.A
If the exploitation is successful, a shellcode runs which downloads a malicious payload from a remote server. The payload is detected as Backdoor:Win32/Poison.BR.

microsoft rolling automatic security updates with this patch  : see here 

direct download link for cumulative update :

windows 7 Internet Explorer 9 : Download now 
windows 7×64 Internet Explorer 9 : Download now 
Internet Explorer 8 in Windows 7 x64 Edition : Download now 
Internet Explorer 8 in Windows 7  Edition : Download now 

download security updates and install it as soon as possible to prevnet attack because public exploit is available for this vulnerability , turn your automatic updates ON to get all security patches , to prevent any possible attack and losing data and sensitive information .
for other search in download center for security patch . and if you want to you cna download EMET 
stay safe

: source 

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