C Programming – Conditional Statements
In any programming language condition checking is very important.Many languages support this feature and C is one of them.
We can check a condition whether it is ‘true’ or ‘false’ by using ‘if-else clause’ or by using ‘if-elseif-else clauses’
We can also use nested ‘if-else’ clause or ‘if-elseif-else’ clause i.e. within a ‘if-else’ clause or ‘if-elseif-else’ clause we can use as many clause as we like.
Illustration with Example
# include<stdio.h></stdio.h>
int main()
int a=1,b=2,c=3;
printf(“nnB is the Greatest Number Among All Three Numbersnn”);
printf(“nnC is the Greatest Number Among All Three Numbersnn”);
printf(“nnA is the Greatest Number Among All Three Numbersnn”);
printf(“nnC is the Greatest Number Among All Three Numbersnn”);
return 0;
C is the Greatest Number Among All Three Numbers
First of all I initialized the variables a,b, and c of int type with the value 1,2, and 3 respectively.
Then the condition in the if clause is checked which returns true so the program controller get inside the if part.
Inside the if part we again have an ‘if-else’ clause.
Again the if condition is checked first which returns false so the program controller get insde the else part
And inside the else part I used a printf function to output a message on the Console or Screen
“C is the Greatest Number Among All Three Numbers”
Since, the if part of the ‘if-else’ clause first appears to be true so the else part will not be executed.
If there are many ‘if-elseif-else’ clauses then just remember one thing, the part which first evaluates to be true will only be executed and rest of the clauses will be ignored.
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