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Microsoft Fuse Labs combined social networking and searching into one and named it called social.Its specially designed for students who can learn and interact with people discussing on same topics.

It comes from the idea that nowadays students spent much time on facebook or any other social networking site and get updates from friends regarding any topic and then they start searching about the topic more on the web either on a search engine,wikipedia or youtube.Keeping this in mind is designed in which students can chat and simultaneously search on their topics of interest on the same site itself so that they can enrich their learning experience by exploring more about the topic and creating new material through montage and share it among their communities which can be made up regarding various topics and they get to interact with persons which are interested on the same topic as well.
Its like you start a topic and a community for that gets build up which consists of interested people on the same topic and you don’t have to go searching everywhere for the material instead you can ask for some in the community itself.
Sounds good and makes the social networking a learning place.Check it out yourself and see whether it helps you in any means by visiting
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