Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) is released , not yet available for public download
major changes in ubuntu according to post from canonicals is integration with cloud apps and support for web apps .

Ubuntu 12.10 breaks down the barrier between the PC and the web
Ubuntu 12.10 integrates the desktop and the Internet, enabling people to easily access content and applications – whether the live locally or online.
Ubuntu 12.10 makes it possible to integrate the most popular web-based applications as if they were native applications
Ubuntu 12.10 is the perfect alternative for anyone considering a move to Windows 8 – providing a modern operating system that works naturally across devices.
New and improvements
- Nautilus file manager sticks at version 3.4
- New GRUB 2 boot loader
- Software Updater simplified
- Unity revs to 6.8.0; Unity 2D is dropped; previews added
- Graphics makeover for Ubuntu Greeter and the default theme
- Linux kernel version 3.5
- Python 3
- Disk image is now 800MB, USB is required for installation
- Dash search returns online results from Ubuntu One and Amazon
- Dash preview
- Remote login/remote desktop access added
- New Dash Photo lens; new Gwibber icon
- New Share Links tab in Ubuntu One Control Panel
- New centralised management support online accounts
Public download is still not available but it will available very soon for download keep checking download page
download page :http://www.ubuntu.com/download
Source : http://www.canonical.com/content/ubuntu-1210-breaks-down-barrier-between-pc-and-web
UPDATE : http://www.computersnyou.com/2012/10/ubuntu-1210-available-for-download-new.html