linkedIn hacked 6.5 million password hashes stolen [ security news ]

0 min read
Bad day for Linkedin , linked in is a site which create professional networks between people .
a russian user tweeted that he hacked linkedin password hashes  
  according to reports of the verge <br /><a name="more"></a><a href="" target="_blank"></a>


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet">
    Our team is currently looking into reports of stolen passwords. Stay tuned for more.<br />— LinkedIn (@LinkedIn) <a data-datetime="2012-06-06T13:06:28+00:00" href="">June 6, 2012</a>

  <br />firstly&nbsp;linkedin team tweeted that they are investigating but after that<br />linkedin&nbsp;team tweeted that<i><u> </u><b>they are NOT confirmed about any security breach</b></i>

change your password as soon as possible

change your passwords :


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