Google Reader shutting down on July 1

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Google Reader provides a common place where we read the feeds of our favourite blogs that we follow whether its a blog of companies,celebrities or about music we can all have it in one place,no need of going to each blog and reading the latest just you allow Google Reader to have it done for you so that you can have all in one place.This feature is about to shut down with about 70 more services this spring starting from July 1 as confirmed by Google.Other services include :

  • Apps Script will be deprecating the GUI Builder and five UiApp widgets in order to focus efforts on Html Service. The rest of the Ui Service will not be affected. The GUI Builder will continue to be available until September 16, 2013.
  • CalDAV API will become available for whitelisted developers, and will be shut down for other developers on September 16, 2013.
  • Google Building Maker helped people to make three-dimensional building models for Google Earth and Maps. It will be retired on June 1, but users are still able to access and export their models from the 3D Warehouse.
  • End to Google Cloud Connect  plug-in(alternatively install Google Drive) Existing users will no longer be able to use Cloud Connect as of April 30.
  • Google Reader ending on July 1.
  • Google Voice App for Blackberry.Google recommends using the new HTML5 app which supports on BB OS 6 or later.
  • Search API for Shopping, which has enabled developers to create shopping apps based on Google’s Product Search data.The API will shut down completely on September 16, 2013.
  • No updates for Snapseed Desktop for Macintosh and Windows but existing users will be able to download the software while mobile app on iOS and Android will be available for free.

Source :- Google

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