Windows 8 will be available on October 26th

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Microsoft just announced the release date for the long-awaited Windows 8, customers can start upgrading from 26th OCT .

so mark your calender and get ready for windows 8
From windows blog

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<blockquote class="tr_bq">
    <i>&#8220;…October 26<sup style="line-height: 0;">th</sup>, 2012! That’s right! Just a few minutes ago, Steven Sinofsky announced at Microsoft’s annual sales meeting that customers will be able to get Windows 8 – whether&nbsp;<a data-bitly-type="bitly_hover_card" href="" style="color: #0066cc; outline: none; text-decoration: none;">in upgrade fashion</a>&nbsp;or on a new PC – starting on October 26<sup style="line-height: 0;">th</sup>.&nbsp;<a data-bitly-type="bitly_hover_card" href="" style="color: #0066cc; outline: none; text-decoration: none;">Earlier this month at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference</a>, Tami Reller told attendees Windows 8 would be available in October. But now everyone has a specific date to mark on their calendars. It’s on mine! &#8221;&nbsp;</i>

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