HP and Windows 8 [ printer drivers ]
There is a lot of buzz around us regarding the new comer in the market Windows 8 — whether to upgrade or not.Those who have already used the earlier previews of Windows 8 and liked it very much might have the answer but still will remain in a confusion whether the upgrade will be worth it because there are still many apps and drivers remaining to be in Windows store.
Like the HP printer and multi-function driver and software problem in Windows 8 and lot of users installing the preview failed to use it properly because of such issues not only with HP but hardware from many other companies are not sure whether it would get the Windows 8 certification or not.
Here it is!! HP is solving much of our problems with almost all of its hardware and updating on its drivers and softwares which are compatible with Windows 8.
<td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;">
<b>Win8 package of a 3-yr old multifunction</b>
You could check with other companies too for the update under their support center and if its not there then drivers and softwares for windows 8 will be soon and ready to be downloaded.
So for now your compatibility issues problems with Windows 8 might have been solved and it might help you to upgrade to your favourite Windows 8 soon.
The drivers and software packages are built for Windows 8 RTM and might not work well in Windows 8 previews.