Fedora 18 spherical cow is released

2 min read

Redhat community managed linux distribution fedora 18 is released , Fedora 18 has some advance features such as dual booting support with windows 8 , and GUI menu and cloud based features , Fedora 18 is based on kernel 3.6.0 .

Fedora 18 includes the latest Gnome release, which yields integration with Microsoft SkyDrive alongside Google Docs. It also has a new connector for ActiveSync/Exchange Accounts, complementing the included connector for Google accounts. In addition, Fedora 18 offers integrated enterprise login information, letting users connect to large networks so that they can view and potentially modify account settings in the Gnome 3.6 Control Center.

fedora 18
fedora 18
Fedora 18

Whats New or Upgrades in Fedora 18 (Spherical Cow):

•  Anaconda, has been completely re-written from the ground up;
• Upgrade process for Fedora now uses a new tool called FedUp (Fedora Upgrader);
• GNOME desktop, 3.6, provides an enhanced Messaging Tray, support for Microsoft Exchange and Skydrive;
• Fedora users now have the option of using Cinnamon, an advanced desktop environment based on GNOME 3;
• The MATE desktop provides users with a classic GNOME 2.x style user interface;
• KDE Plasma Workspaces has been updated with many new features and improved stability and performance;
• The lightweight and easy-to-use Xfce desktop has been updated to the 4.10 version with many bug fixes and enhancements;
• The storage management SSM (System Storage Manager) has been improved;
• Perl, Rails, or Python languages are updated;
• Systems can now be updated offline, allowing for a more stable update of critical system components;
• Samba 4 introduces the first free and open source implementation of Active Directory protocols and includes a new scripting interface.


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