Key Lime Pie :Upcoming android

0 min read

The next Android version,which might be 4.2 or 5.0 has been codenamed Key Lime Pie and it will arrive in the first half of 2013.
The current version of the Android being 4.1 named Jelly Bean which is available only in 2-3 devices and the update for other devices will be rolling out soon till then it will be time to welcome the new version of Android..

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      Android Key Lime PIE

  <b>Expectations from the new version :</b><br />A New User Interface (maybe like Windows 8)<br />Better <span class="GRcorrect" grphrase="1ca06b05c6f6df1f82c50969882846f2ef23b7b3" grtype="null" id="GRmark_1ca06b05c6f6df1f82c50969882846f2ef23b7b3_Multi-Tasking:0">Multi-Tasking</span> <br />More Multimedia playback<br /><span class="GRcorrect" grphrase="4c40f80a58c5bd04634e039c0a31d4d15ced1b82" grtype="null" id="GRmark_4c40f80a58c5bd04634e039c0a31d4d15ced1b82_more:0">more</span> to see&#8230;.</div> </div>

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